As a working mom, you put up with a lot! And apparently, the coronavirus pandemic isn’t giving you a break – Let’s say home-schooling a kid isn’t exactly every mom’s dream! And then you have your job demands, and the never-ending daily chores… overwhelming enough to make you feel like a hamster on a wheel.
It’s no surprise life can be a rollercoaster of challenges for you! You want to be the ideal mom, but you also want to maintain a good career. And with so much to do with the little time you got, you could easily be pushed to the brink of a breakdown thinking of work-life balance as a long shot.
So, follow us on this topic from The Dermo Lab to learn some tips that will help you maintain a work-life with the least possible pressure.
1- Get Clear on Your Priorities
Daily chaos can certainly keep you away, if not blind you, from focusing on what matters the most. So, why don’t you put your life in order and get your priorities straight?
When life drowns you with a good deal of duties, sneak one hour a month to make a priority list. Some tasks get to be done gradually – or not done at all, who will notice anyway – others are sacred. Accordingly, set your monthly priorities. Make sure you don’t elaborate your list. For instance, set one job priority, one family priority, and don’t forget about yourself, there’s no harm in some me-time.
2- Create a Daily To-do List
Now, time to narrow down that monthly priority list to a daily to-do list. Hence, the first thing to do when you wake up is to write down your daily tasks and keep the list handy.
Even better? Elaborate your list a day in advance so you can cover the sequence of tasks that must be done. We recommend you don’t write down everything that comes to your mind, rather use an agenda that contains time slots. This way, you’ll figure out what must be done hour by hour and what must be put off.
3- Don’t Waste Your Time
The question remains: What are you wasting your time on? And the natural answer would be: Nothing, of course, I can barely find an hour or two for social media. Well, dear mom, that’s exactly what wasting your time is, not to mention the time you spend stuck in traffic, etc…
In other words, some daily habits could waste your time without you even noticing, which makes you even more stressed out. One way to solve this is by keeping a check on how much time you spend on such habits and perhaps find ways to cut down this time and use it better.
4- Never Hesitate to Ask for Help
If you follow the above three steps, and you’re still running short on time to do your tasks, you definitely need to seek help. You can resort to the close ones, whether your husband or your mother, to help you do some things. Also, you can hire a babysitter if you have the financial means for it.
For example, in light of remote learning, many working mothers are seeking assistance from university students to help the kids with their homework and live classes. This will make things much easier for you and take some responsibility off your shoulders as a working mom.
5- Let the Kids Help
As a working mom, it is very important to let the kids handle some chores, in an age appropriate manner, without having to return to you. For example, an 8-year-old kid can have breakfast, take a shower, or keep the room tidy by himself. Consider this as a win-win situation, where your kids get to learn how to be responsible and you get to cross things off your list.
In this regard, talking to your children is essential so they can get across what it means to be a working mother and how they can lend a helping hand.
Finally, we hope our tips help you lead the way, especially during the hard times coronavirus has posed. And keep in mind, hope is your only way to get through these tough days, so don’t let despair take over you.
Last Updated on February 23, 2024