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Stay Stunning, Stay Dry: Top Tricks for Hair Protection from Water Damage!

Stay Stunning, Stay Dry: Top Tricks for Hair Protection from Water Damage!

Ah, chlorine. You know it as the substance that kills unwanted bacteria and protects swimmers from infections and water-borne diseases. The undesirable side effect? It’s also harsh on your hair. If you’ve been swimming this summer or in the past, you’ve probably smelled chlorine on your clothes, skin, and hair. Curious about the effects of chlorine on your hair? Read this article from The Dermo Lab for tips on how to protect your hair from water damage this summer.

How does chlorine damage your hair?

Chlorinated water can make your hair dry and brittle, which can lead to breakage. Tap water contains chlorine, but not in sufficient quantities to cause a problem with regular showers. However, the higher levels found in swimming pools can have harmful effects on your hair and skin if you are exposed to it more frequently.

What are the effects of chlorine on your hair?

Chlorine in swimming pools is essential for killing bacteria, but it can cause serious damage to your healthy hair if you swim in pools often. Chlorine eliminates the natural oils (sebum) your body produces to protect your hair. In addition to irritating your skin and scalp, chlorine leads to:

  • cracking and splitting
  • removing your hair’s natural moisture content
  • changing your hair’s natural color (or the color of dyed hair)
  • hair weakening, leading to split ends

Occasional swimmers don’t often see the effects of chlorinated water – for example, a dip in the pool once a year during vacations won’t make much difference to the health of your hair. But regardless of whether you swim once a month or once a day, people with specific hair types are more susceptible to chlorine damage than others. These include people with:

  • thin or fine hair
  • color-treated hair
  • bleached hair
  • chemically treated hair
  • dry hair
  • already damaged hair

Whether you’re a regular or daily swimmer, you need to know that hair protection from water damage is essential, whatever your natural color or hair type.

How can you protect your hair from water damage?

Here are our top tips for protecting hair from chlorine. These tips should reduce the harmful effects of chlorinated pool water:

1- Shower first

If you jump straight into the pool, your hair may absorb chlorine and become dehydrated. Before swimming, make sure you’ve showered or at least rinsed your hair. Showering moisturizes hair and prevents chlorine from penetrating cuticles.

2- Get a swimming cap

Wearing a swimming cap is another excellent way to protect your hair from water damage. This solution is ideal for people who don’t want to get their hair wet, but still want to have fun.

3- Apply coconut oil, olive oil, and other natural oils to your hair

If you swim often or if your hair is more sensitive to chlorine damage, consider applying a leave-in chlorine protectant to your hair. Natural oils, including coconut oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil, act as a protective layer that prevents chlorine and other pool chemicals from being absorbed by hair strands. For added protection, also use a deep-conditioning mask or leave-in conditioner.

4- Use a swim spray

If you have blonde hair and are particularly concerned about the effects of chlorine on your fair hair, you can buy a swim spray to apply to your hair to prevent chlorine from penetrating your strands. This product is suitable for all hair types. 

5- Use gentle shampoos

Whatever your hair type, we recommend using a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo, followed by a conditioner after swimming. This removes any residual chlorine from your hair.

6- Tie your long hair in a ponytail

If you have long hair and don’t have a bathing cap, tie it back in a ponytail, braid, or tight bun. This will minimize contact with chlorine.

7- Swim in outdoor pools

Whenever possible, it’s best to swim in outdoor pools. In outdoor pools, the chlorine gas in the water evaporates more quickly into the air, reducing the concentration in the water and, ultimately, the amount of chlorine likely to be absorbed by your hair and skin.

8- Shower after swimming

A quick shower after swimming can counteract the harmful effects of the water. Rinse off any chlorine to make sure it doesn’t damage your hair and scalp.

You can use hair scrubs to exfoliate your hair and rid it of any impurities. You can also apply a conditioner to keep your hair moisturized.

9- Don’t use hard and hot water

Hard water can be harmful to your skin and hair. This type of water often looks cloudy. Hair washed with hard water becomes thinner and looks messy. This damage ranges from breakage to dry scalp, frizz, dullness, or tangling.

In addition, hot water eliminates your hair’s natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. It also dries out your scalp, making it itchy. You may even see signs of dandruff. Your hair roots weaken, leading to frizz from hot water use. Hot water creates holes in your hair’s protective layer, which later leads to hair breakage.

10- Dry your hair carefully

Swimming can damage your hair with water, and we wouldn’t want to add heat damage to the list. Avoid using heated tools, even if it’s more convenient.

When you style or repair your hair, you use heated tools. Flat irons, curling irons, hot rollers, and hair dryers are just some of these tools. Although it’s easier to use a hair dryer, exposing your hair to heat creates holes that lead to breakage.

Resist the temptation to use blow-dryers, as they dry out your hair even more. If your hair needs extra drying after air-drying, use a microfiber towel to gently dry away any drips or excess water. Microfiber towels help prevent breakage and reduce frizz. They dry your hair faster and can also help hold curls in place.

Hair protection from water damage

Now you know how to protect your hair from water damage. Remember to look after your hair as you would for your skin. We hope these tips will help you avoid damaging your hair!

Last Updated on June 20, 2024

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