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Tips To Protect Your Skin From Air Pollution

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Tips To Protect Your Skin From Air Pollution

Air pollution, one of our era’s most notorious inevitable villains, has an extensive list of victims that goes on from our lungs, to our nerves and kidneys, and our skin is no exception. Uuh…our skin?! Yes, you read that right, our skin is just another victim to air pollution. Where did you think that dull skin and dryness came from?

Of course, your first instinct is to wash your face over and over to get rid of all the dirt. Is that enough though? Read this article in collaboration with the dermatologist Dr. Gaelle Chalhoub to know more about air pollution and its effects on your skin.

3 Ways Air Pollution Can Harm Your Skin!

Dr. Gaelle Chalhoub indicates that air pollution exerts deleterious effects on your skin, most notably:

This is due to the reaction of harmful air particles with skin cells, leading to their damage over time.

Cleansing Your Skin Is Crucial, However…

Washing your face after being exposed to polluted air is vital, says Dr. Gaelle Chalhoub. Invest in a gentle cleanser that deeply cleanses your skin without irritating it. Wash your face every morning and night to get rid of all build ups that can clog your pores and cause inflammation and breakouts.

But a cleanser alone is not enough! Dr. Gaelle Chalhoub points out that your plan to beat air pollution lacks an additional step. Have you guessed it?

air pollution

Antioxidants vs Air Pollution

Antioxidants are mainly found in food. In fact, specialists recommend antioxidants to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals created by the body as a reaction to pollution, cigarette smoke and exposure to UV rays.

Consume healthy foods high in antioxidants such as grapes, berries, strawberries, nuts, and leafy greens.

To put it differently, consider antioxidants as your weapon to combat the effects of air pollution on your skin.

In this regard, Dr. Gaelle Chalhoub highlights the importance of a daily skin care routine using products that are rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E.

These antioxidants protect your skin against air pollution, and simultaneously repair your damaged cells and restore your skin’s freshness and glow.

Last Updated on February 16, 2024

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